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Egyptian megastar, Amr Diab, has remained in the limelight for decades, setting trends, beloved by millions, sometimes controversial, always blogworthy.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Arab stars will fall into the same trap

22 June 2005 - Synopsis follows. WARNING FANS: The small reference to Amr is not complimentary ... but, then again, don't they say "all press is good press"?

"The world of showbiz is upside down. More then ever it seems that celebrities believe that we are here for them, to fuel their star and make them more and more successful. It was disappointing to see the usually perfect public face of Tom Cruise show some cracks during an altercation with a practical joker .... These stars musn't forget that they don't own the respect and adulation that they get. But in this day and age, with everyone wanting their 15 minutes of fame, the lines have become blurred.

The same will happen in the Arab world now that reality TV and pan-Arab music and news channels are part of the daily media diet. Some Arabs will become famous for being famous. It is a shame because with the exception of a few deluded fools - stand up Amr Diab - most Arab singers and actors know not to bite the hand that feeds them and understand that it is the fans that make the star."

Read the full article from www.7days.ae here: 7DAYS - Arab stars will fall into the same trap as the West's egomaniacs


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