Ultimate Amr Diab blog

Egyptian megastar, Amr Diab, has remained in the limelight for decades, setting trends, beloved by millions, sometimes controversial, always blogworthy.

Monday, March 26, 2012


Egyptian star Amr Diab is currently working on finishing the necessary paperwork to buy a piece of land on which he plans to build a social and medical complex in his town in Sanhout in the East.

The complex will include a large hospital equipped with the latest and most effective medical apparatus imported from abroad to treat, for free, tumors and chronic, which many of the poor people in the town suffer from.

The complex with be names after his late mother Roqiyya Mohammad Mahmoud Fouad, where Amr put a few of his assistants in charge of getting the necessary licenses from the respective ministries of health and social affairs. In addition to the medical facility, the complex will also have a mosque, an orphanage and an house for the elderly.

Amr Diab
's brother, Imad Abdel Baset Diab, is in charge of supervising and following up on all aspects of the completion of this generous charity project.



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