Ultimate Amr Diab blog

Egyptian megastar, Amr Diab, has remained in the limelight for decades, setting trends, beloved by millions, sometimes controversial, always blogworthy.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

we malo

I'm pleased to report that this song will be featured with an accompanying video. With a lovely piano intro, this romantic tune is the perfect showcase for the vocal talents that have made Amr the star he is today (and you thought it was just his pretty face! for shame!)

we malo

we malo law lila tohna ba3eed
we sibna kol an nas
ana ya 7abibi 7asis be7ob gideed
maleeny da al a7sas
wana hina ganby aGHla an nas
ana ganby a7la an nas

7abibi lila ta3ala ninsa feeha ally ra7
ta3aly goowa 7odny w arta7
di lila tiswa kol al 7ayah
maly GHirak we loola 7obak ha3ish limeen
7abibi gaya agmal sineen
we kol mada ta7la al 7ayah

7abibi ilmis idaya 3ashan asada’ illa ana feeh
yama kan nifsa a’ablak b’aly zaman
KHalas we ha7lam leeh?
mana hina ganby aGHla al nas
hina ganby a7la al nas


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