Ultimate Amr Diab blog

Egyptian megastar, Amr Diab, has remained in the limelight for decades, setting trends, beloved by millions, sometimes controversial, always blogworthy.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Another award?

The race is on and the question of the upcoming month is: Who will win the 2009 Music Award this year? Will it be Amr Diab, Nancy Ajram, Tamer Hosny or maybe Haifa Wehbe?

It seems this year, the usual candidate will be the winner; Amr Diab for his album 'Waiah'! Diab's record sales topped those of Tamer Hosny's and both Nancy and Haifa haven't released new albums yet.

What do you think will happen? Will there be a surprise and Diab won't be the winner?!
We'll know soon enough, because the winners will be announced in October and the event will be held in November. Link

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Oprah Winfrey

Keep watching the Oprah Winfrey show this month. Amr Diab is supposed to be featured on a show airing September (taped in August). Now, what "featured" means is anyone's guess. A mention or a video clip most likely. An interview probably just a dream. Regardless, it will be fun to see what she does with his name! O Oprah.