Ultimate Amr Diab blog

Egyptian megastar, Amr Diab, has remained in the limelight for decades, setting trends, beloved by millions, sometimes controversial, always blogworthy.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Egyptian star singer Amr Diab got himself an Emirati driver’s license after finishing the necessary paper work and taking the test last week while being in Dubai with his friends.

Amr wanted to have the Emirati license because Dubai is his favorite place for vacations with the family, and he’s there every now and then, especially since he has so many friends in that city. Link to picture

The Ahmad Ben Ali stadium in Doha will bring together the stars Amr Diab and Tamer Hosni, who will watch the international game between the Egyptian league and the Brazilian one, from the main booth of the game where its fee will go back to the victims of famine in Somalia.

Amr Diab left Cairo this Monday morning and headed to Doha to attend the game, where he always makes sure not to miss any games between Egypt and other big leagues or continental championships, especially that he is friends with the likes of Imad Meteeb and Mohammad Zeidan...

Amr Diab and Tamer Hosni's invitations to the game are A-list invitations coming straight from the organizing company of the match. Link

Friday, November 04, 2011

Amr Diab Gets Paid 150,000 Dollars for his AUC Adha Concert

Amr Diab is doing some really intensive rehearsals and preparations for his first concert in Egypt after his tour in America and Canada, and also after releasing his album “Banadeek Ta’ala”.

The concert will be held at the American University in Cairo, the second day of Adha. Amr wanted the concert to be restricted to the students only and thus insisted that the number of tickets which are put up for sale does not exceed 3,000 tickets.

He also made a competition for his fans in order to be able to win free tickets. And how much is he charging for this concert?! Well, it’s 150,000 dollars, and believe it or not, this is a very low fee that Amr has receibed in years, considering the financial crisis Egypt is facing.
The company which is sponsoring the concert agreed to Amr’s fee provided that the concert footage will be sold to a couple of channels. Link